Thursday, February 22, 2007

Walking Talking Machine

This video is from our outing yesterday, when it was 65 degrees!! We picked up pinecones, pinestraw, and weeds. (Mostly me with pinecones, all Gabby with the latter two.) We had a blast. She's quite proud of her sitting technique. Check it out.

It's really exciting when Gabby can answer questions.

  • Where is Bert's nose? [point]
  • Where is Gabby's bellybutton? [ lift shirt, point finger, giggle]
  • Did you make a stinky? [giggle]

She is mimicking our words by making the initial sound, and she's communicating better all the time by pointing, bringing us objects, etc. Her favorite word right now? "Ma." Nope, not Mama. Instead, "More." Over and over. BECAUSE SHE'S ALWAYS HUNGRY. She was ready to eat within minutes after birth, and she hasn't changed. But it's a good problem to have. And "ma" is cute, because it's always said looking you right in the eye with her eyebrows raised. Hard to resist.


  1. That is too cute! I think Gabby and Kate would get along just fabulously...they seem to have really similar personalities, and appetites! Kate eats nonstop, seriously.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hello...hope the lutz gang is doing well!

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Tell Gabby that her cousins Dawson and Sophia love watching her on video! I think our record is 10 times in a row. Dawson has it memorized and chimes in with your voices. Sophia just stares and smiles.

  3. Bring her back to Chapel Hill again!!! It's been too long already. :(

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM


  5. Nanna loves videos! I have watched this video sometimes 15 times a day. I miss you, Gabrielle.

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    This is great info to know.
