Natalie came to town last week. Gabby even said her name or something like it. Natalie and I had a 4-hour Grey's Anatomy marathon, and we're now addicts. Anybody else out there a fan? If you're a Grey's mocker, then you can jump in Jason's boat. I think he's just jealous that I found a show worth watching every week and he hasn't.
Curious George is a huge favorite around this house. If you've read the books - and who hasn't? - you'd probably like the TV show on PBS. Pretty cute. The best part is the theme song. However, Curious George is being given a curious run for his curious money by Curious Gabby. We finally dug down deep in the pockets to go purchase some child-proofing gear at Lowe's yesterday. $13.84 buys a lot of peace.
And finally, I present Masterpiece Dinnerplate. I have only heard the followng phrase maaaaybe 3 times in our 4 years of marriage: "Please make this again." I'll admit, I've been more of a functional cook than a flavorful cook over the years. I can bake the chicken, but it's not going to be memorable. At least... not until now. In the last 4 days, I've gotten the thumbs up TWICE! This is huge, people. I rarely cook the same meal twice, because I can't remember it. Therefore, no recipes get practiced or perfected. So, my new plan is to take pictures of all quality meals I make and put them in my recipe book. I present to you:
- Curried, grilled chicken
- Asparagus with cheese sauce
- Wild rice
- Salad
The second meal wasn't quite as awesome, but the crab cakes were pretty tasty. Here's to all the women in my family who have prayed that I might attain their level of culinary artistry one day. I continue to covet your prayers, sisters.
Lauren, you're a good cook. I love your potato soup, too!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I noticed there are no pinecones. Gabby must have got all your pinecones in the yard.
PS. I adore Gabby's hairbow.
Happy St. Paddy's!!!!
Love, Nanna
You know, I like the Grey's. The first season was great. The second season became awful by the end. And the third is better than I expected. I would tell hubby to try out Studio 60 (if it comes back) or to enjoy the hilarity of Boston Legal. Both shows are sharp, colorful and deal intelligently with the world in which we live.
ReplyDeleteTons of love,