Thursday, March 22, 2007

Teeth Brushin' Time

I know that for many, this video may won't be the most amazing 1:45 clip you've ever seen. But, there are a few blog subscribers who live far enough away that seeing Gabby get excited over brushing her teeth will be special enough to merit a video watching. Those few of you will think it's really neat when she whispers, "Oooohhh..." over a toothbrush. And those same few will get tickled at hearing her say, "Sure!" So, here is "Teeth Brushin' Time" for your viewing pleasure.

The rest of you who need to kill some time at work might find this useful, too.

I only wish we had captured the hyped-up "Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!" that comes right before she gets lifted up to the toothbrushing counter.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I love it! I love it! What a precious child.
    What precious parents she has!

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Love the wrist action! It also made my week! A show better than any on the networks. Go Gabby! Polish those pearly-whites!

  3. "Sure!"...the best moment of my day so far. :)
    Oh she is so cute. When will she be making a trip to Chapel Hill again...actually, I believe it may be my turn to make the trek...what are you doing this weekend?

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Haha! I've watched it so many times, I think some might label it 'stalker like'.... Too cute. She's cuter with every entry you make.

    (Might want to plug up both electrical outlets next time though) ;)

  5. I KNEW someone would say something about the missing outlet cover. I can always count on you, Rach. But if you hadn't, Dad probably would have.

  6. I put Kate on my lap to watch this video as a tutorial. We call it "Brushing Teeth, 101." Gabby is much fonder of the toothbrush than Kate...but with Gabby's help, we're getting better everyday!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Gabby appears to have learned where the cold water faucet is located. Smart girl.

    Love you. Nanna
