Sunday, February 11, 2007

And the winner is...

It's a big night for music, and that's why I'm willing to stay up past midnight to watch TV on a school night. Yay, Grammys! However, you are the big winner at the moment, because I have tons of Gabby pictures! [Outlandish applause, screaming, and some fainting]

Busted! Now we know who's been stealing the coffee spoons from Sunday School rooms!

We caught Gabby sitting down with a good read more than once this week.

Little Drummer Girl

Wanna change the channel, maybe?

Folks we meet often ask, "Is she always so smiley?" My answer: "Most of the time!"

...but sometimes you might catch a don't-mess-with-me look. I taught her this one. If she keeps practicing, she could be a great teacher.

Actually, Gabby's cutting four teeth this week. Poor kid. Have you ever thought about how weird it is that your body knows when to let teeth come in? God is very clever.

Jason says I never post myself on the blog, so here's a shot of me an hour ago during commercial breaks. The red thing is my digital 8-track recorder... You might be a music nerd if you think having a good time means recording 4 and 5-part harmonies for "Come Thou Fount" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."

PS - Did anyone else watch the Grammys? Corrine Bailey Rae, John Legend, and John Mayer. HELLOOOOOO! Stinkin' amazing. Somehow, I missed Police. As we say in the South, "Dang it."


  1. Do I see leopard print on that little one? Way to raise that girl up right!
    Love you all... :)

  2. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Love it and all the Lutz! G. A. Jayne
    alias - another Gabby fan
