Sunday, November 12, 2006

Stop the press!

STOP, MOM! I don't want anybody seeing a picture of the last bit of babyhood left in me. If they knew that I still take a bottle before bed, they might not respect my maturity. Turning 1 is a big deal, and I want to make a good impression on my fans.
Gabs, no one will think less of you for drinking your milk from a bottle. It's just not talked about, but everyone's done it. Think of all the people you'll be freeing to speak the truth. Oprah will probably have you on her show!
Good point. We could put a great spin on this. Let's just make sure that we mix a little of my new skills in with this, and I think our PR machine will be oiled up and ready to go.
Okay. Well, how about talking up your new play skills?
Perfect. Like how I play ball with Dad, maybe?
Great. And what about your sense of humor?
ABsolutely. I doubt other 1 year-olds know how funny a mullet is.

That's probably true. But Gabby, let's not forget that what other people think is not the most important thing.

I know, Mom. But as long as they think that I care what they think, they'll like me more.


Sorry, Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    That's a nice little vignette of a special day. However, I have a few comments:
    1. There's nothing wrong with a bottle. In fact, many of my favorite beverages come in bottles.
    2. If Gabrielle really wants to play ball with her dad, someone should get her a soccer ball. But, I'm not convinced she is ready to share yet, anyway.
    3. Don't let fuzzy freaky weirdo's hold my grandchild!!

    Where's the cake-face shots??
