Sunday, December 3, 2006

December already?!

A Sampling of Gabrielle's New Tricks

What does the cow say, Gabby? Moooo....


Where is your tongue, Gabby?

How old are you, Gabby?

Christmas on the Square

Yesterday, my elementary school choir performed at an annual street fair in Rockingham. I was so proud of them. I was thinking that I had to have made a fool of myself grinning, conducting, making goofy faces to get the kids to smile through their stagefright... But then I took another look at this awesome picture and realized I wasn't the only one going the extra mile for Christmas Spirit. I don't know who she is, but she sure makes for a beautiful Christmas tree.

The Elmo Chair

This is Gabby's new Elmo chair, compliments of MawMaw and PawPaw. She does sit in it for a few minutes to watch TV, but mostly she loves to use it for a prop to make us laugh. Approach chair on knees, plant face, stick butt up in air. Pause. Turn around for laughter, repeat.

Other Happenings

Since last we posted, Gabby's gotten a haircut (just bangs), we travelled to TN for Thanksgiving, Carolina beat #1-ranked Ohio State, Gabby acquired two new boyfriends, Jason preached his first funeral, and Bruce got out of the backyard twice. We're looking forward to seeing many of you over the next month!!! Here's hoping our cars survive the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Now that's some mighty fine bloggin'!! Snippets about homelife,work,travels,holidays,community events and even the dog! Good work Mama Lutz. Great batch of pictures, too, but I would like to see a picture of ol' fuzzy sometime .. just to make sure he still deserves his nickname.
