We have a couple of reasons to copperdate around here.
1) Jason survived falling out of an airplane.
2) Gabby used the potty five times today!
Did you think I was going to show pictures of her on the potty? Well, yes, I would. But I've been pretty lazy with the camera lately, so all the pictures you have are courtesy of my sister Rachel. And me being lazy brings me to Copperdation #3...
3) Baby Lutz is 14 weeks, 5 days in utero.
It's not the particular day that's so great. It's that we can really rejoice in having passed through the scary first trimester. Hearing the heartbeat and seeing the baby on the screen almost two weeks ago was such a reassuring thing. I might get to find out the sex of the baby on the 30th... not sure yet. Unfortunately, Jason will be at youth camp. He's begging me not to find out without him, but who wants to wait another month for an ultrasound?! I think it's a good time to be grateful for cellphones. A penny for your thoughts?
At fifteen or sixteen weeks, I really started feeling better with Gabrielle. This pregnancy seems to be getting worse as I near that mark. That's what I keep blaming my laziness on, anyway. It's a good thing I don't have to be back at work until August 18th. I'd be catching a nap on a table in my office with the door locked, hoping the janitor didn't come in. Maybe he wouldn't tell anyone if I yelled, "COPPERDATION!" and threw confetti. I know my confidence could be bought for a slice of cake and a small gift.
I'm sorry to say this, Lauren, but my vote is to wait for Jason. Cell phone? Lame. Not the same. I gotta vote for J this time around. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're going to delete this comment, aren't you? No evidence that someone voted in his favor...tricksy, tricksy...
And also, the picture of Gabby on the beach in this post might just be my favorite picture of her yet.
I have to agree with Megan. Maybe because it's Megan and she's awesome and I'd jump off of a bridge if Megan did, or maybe it's because I didn't wait for John to make it to the doctor's office for Finn's first heartbeat ultrasound and we got into a huge fight because of it.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you updated the blog. I've been needing a little Gabster update. That's the 4th reason for copperdation.
I am so sorry about the nausea! Yuck! I think all the Hawkins side aunts had major and long term nausea with all the boy cousins...? They (I can't even remember who "they" were) always said that nausea was good because it meant your baby was doing great and healthy! I won't vote about when and how of finding out about the sex of new baby Lutz, but I think Megan and the Ussery's are pretty wise.
ReplyDeleteBelated Happy Birthday to Jason! What a great gift and terrific pictures of the event. One of our former ministers loved to jump out of planes. Wonder if the ministry does that to a fellow? ;)
Rachel is a terrific photographer because the all the photos are wonderful! Gabby, Lauren, Jason: you are all so cute! Thanks for the update! Jayne
Oh! it just occured to me. It might be worth a try...What if you rescheduled your next appointment for right when Jason is back from youth camp?
ReplyDeleteJason wins here. Sorry, Larlo.
ReplyDeleteOkay, okay. I think you ladies are right. It is a pretty big deal, and if he feels that being on speakerphone is not special enough, then it's not special enough. I'll call and see if they're planning on doing the ultrasound this time. If they are, I'll move the appointment. Look how the blog+seers help to maintain peace in the family unit!
ReplyDeleteI am one who can wait for Christmas, but I have to agree...wait for the special news together.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to hearing and seeing more on a blog.
So sad that you're still being slammed with nausea. I think mine's getting a little better. Apparently milk (one of my favorite beverages) makes mine worse. It's a good excuse to get some needed couch time though. Not much consolation, I know. By the way, are we on the same fertility clock? Aren't Owen and Gabby really close together too? And tell Jason I'm very jealous of his skydiving. Something about becoming a mom took away my desire to do it myself, but in theory it sounds great.
ReplyDeleteDratts! I was planning to go without Andy next week to find out if we are having a boy or a girl-but after reading all these comments I feel too guilty. hehe. I am staying away from your blog for a while. EA