Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sweetness of Summer

I'm sure everyone will have an opinion, but I think I like Gabby in the gold and Jason in the purple. You can vote in the comments section.

Before the heat wave, Gabby and I went outside to play one morning, and she grabbed her sunglasses. Humorous by itself, but funnier because she didn't put them on when we got outside. Like mother, like daughter.

After I bought the sunglasses, we taught her to say, "Cool, baby." Now we're working on, "What up, dawg?"

PBS is the primary channel running in this house, with ESPN2 a distant second. I don't know how we get ESPN2 with basic cable, but that's another story. Somehow, on Saturday mornings for the last month, Gabby and I end up watching Bob Ross. You know, Bob Ross - the hippy painter guy with the afro who says things like "a happy little tree." And you can't help but look at the tree and feel a little happy yourself. I'm hoping that Gabrielle will pick up a few tips from this guy, because she is not going to get any visually artistic skills from either of her parents. Poor kid. Without Bob Ross, her Kindergarten trees might be the saddest in the class.

As an 'artsy-fartsy' type myself, I believe kids need an early start to a good arts education. I don't think Gabby's buying my Intro to Architecture lectures, though. This expression definitely says, "It doesn't look like the Space Needle to me..."

On Monday, I went through a second round of chemo injections in my foot. I'll spare the mood of the blog by omitting most of the details, but it looks like I've got 3 more rounds to go. Enough depressing myself - on with felicity!

Gabby's a fish! I mean, she's a waterbug.
I mean, she loved the pool from the moment she got in for the first time. Here's a none-too-flattering shot, but it gives you the idea.

Homegirl has taken to lounging pretty well. Like mother, like daughter.

And finally, a sneaky little peek at Jason & Gabby. This is in the church basement where a college kid was giving a concert in the next room. Altogether now: Awwwww....


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Lauren, I have to agree with your choice. Did Jason woo you by wearing a purple sunglasses back in the days?

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Gabby needs to keep both the gold and purple sunglasses, and Jason may want to continue looking for the “right” pair of sunglasses to suit him. ;-)

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Gabby and Jason are terrific eyewear models. However, I am not sure that gold or purple is Jason's color. Gabby is gorgeous in anything. Hey, Jason - what do you think chartreuse?
