Saturday, March 28, 2009


"Daddy, I'm giving you this star sticker because you're a rock star when you sing at church."

After some stifled laughs by both Jason and myself, I managed to ask where she learned the phrase 'rock star.'

"It's just a particular word you say when a guy is on stage."

I find that particularly entertaining.


  1. Oh my goodness! Now you guys have to be *particularly* careful when you speak around this little one for sure! Censors on!

  2. Whaaat! For a 3 year old - Thats a 50 cent word. At least! Go Gabster!

  3. Too cute! I'm loving this stage as I'm sure you are too. I bet Kate and Gabby would get along just fabulously. Silly girls :)

  4. And too cute! That Gabby is an interesting young lady!

  5. Deedah and Nanna7:56 PM

    This is just more proof that she is "amazing Grace"!! Her vocabulary and comprehension are impressive....but you might consider taking her in for an auditory exam!

    (I believe when Barney tried out for lead tenor in the church choir, Opie was also impressed.)
