Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

I did not go into labor last night. Instead, here I am a few minutes ago with my still-large belly. Jason actually had the nerve to announce to the church this morning that I had not had the baby yet -- right after I'd walked in front of everybody. Goofball.

I'm not sure how well this shows the size of my belly or not... But I thought I couldn't risk any confusion with this round of documentation, so I went with one polka-dot covered and one a little more revealing.

I think it still looks a little smaller than it looks in person.

The calico beans won rave reviews at lunch. Gabby gave it the ol' Campbell's "Mmmm mmm mmm!" The zucchini gratin was pretty durn good, too. Libby, you can find the recipe on - It came from the Neelys.

So, we had a great day. Everybody got naps, we ate well, church was encouraging, Gabby confirmed her fanhood for the Arizona Cardinals (????!) and even offered a new name for her brother. To understand, you must know that she got a fish for Christmas and named it "Carolina." (Care-oh-lee-nah.) When we added another fish a week or so later, she named it "Bearolina." (Bare-oh-lee-nah.) So, what should Baby Boy be named? "Darolina." (Dare-oh-lee-nah.) No kidding.


  1. Oh, you've dared to try a Neely recipe. Their show is quite the entertainment! I'll look it up. And well, about the belly...let's just say, it looks pretty large even on the photo! He's getting ready for sure. :-)

  2. Looking good girl. We're getting closer...

  3. Bring on baby boy lutz. Praying for you!

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Hope you're doing well!!! =)
