Looking at the picture below, you might think this post's title means it's Gabby's birthday.
I did a lot of cooking this weekend, and I'm pretty excited that I'm finally turning into a good cook. I ate lasagna recently at an unnamed chain restaurant, and I thought for the first time in my life, "I like the way I make this better." That, my friends, is success. And may I continue my bragging by mentioning that I recently made fried okra that I would be proud to serve to either one of my grandmothers? Thank you. Thankyouverymuch. This is my "You got beef with me?! I will fry you" look. (It's actually ground turkey.)
Gabby's been into cooking more frequently, too. I think it's because she can walk in her finally-clean-and-slightly-organized room, which means playing with her mini-kitchen is easier. Her favorite? TEA PARTY!
Megan, here is your requested belly shot. 28 weeks, 1 day. From the neck up, do I not look like my MOM?! Geezopete!
So, I doubt I'll post again before November 4th, knowing me. Let me just let you know that Jason and I have not discussed the candidates in front of Gabby, but she is well aware of who they are and has made her decision. After watching clips of them recently, she decided that Obama speaks loudly (rally voice) and McCain speaks quietly (interview voice). But, that's not what took her vote. She chooses McCain because she likes his hair. That's right, Balding Men of America - someone likes your hair enough to vote you into the most powerful office in the world.
Lauren- I LOVE your hair in the ground turkey shot!!!! Very sassy for a soon to be mother of two- you look great! Love Jennifer
ReplyDeleteI agree, Lauren. You look fantastic, and the pictures of you and your family are much-enjoyed. Keep 'em coming! Love, Ivy
ReplyDeleteAre you still practicing your Spanish?
ReplyDeleteHey, I finally saw a picture of Daddy Lutz with his mountain face! (he he he - I'm referring to the facial hair).