Thursday, November 1, 2007

Gratuitous Halloween Costume... Apologies in Advance

Who opened the Pixar studios and let the characters out?!

Oh! It's only Gabby, dressed uber-adorably as a penguin. Silly me.

Honestly, now who would stick a balloon to a toddler's head with static? Certainly not me...

Actually, it was Jeff (Husband of Marianne) who was so clever.

If that tennis shoe weren't sticking out at the bottom, she might have fooled you.

This is now the background of all 3 computers that I work at. Right click. "Set as Background." Beautiful.

I couldn't believe she sat still long enough to get this done. Also displayed in this picture is the famous "Look, Ma! Closed eyes!" pose known to haunt Wells Family portraits.

Jason & youth group member Alex. Yup, that says "Jason" across the black heart on Alex's face. Scary in too many ways.

Gabby & gal pal Rapunzel. (I mean, Claire.) Holding hands, going from game to game... so sweet! Since Claire is a younger sister, she exerts power in her newfound Older Kid role by lifting Gabby about 3 inches off the floor twice an hour . I find this sweet as well, since I think Gabby could stand to be bossed around for once.


  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Always, always love it! Jayne

  2. Lauren Lutz. You better post a new blog, young lady :) Or else I am going to ...okay I can't think of a real threat, but we miss your faces! (and selves of course).

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Not only have you missed Thanksgiving blogging, Christmas is around the corner!!! Where are you Gabby?

  4. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Gabby Gabby where are you?
