Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First Day of "Summer"

There's no sound with this video. It's really just a slideshow. Enjoy!

And yes, I know that this kind of blog post is a self-indulgent show of nerdiness. I can't help it. Love for Gabby + love for technology = this.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Lauren (Director/Producer/Camerwoman) -- I am impressed by your new nerdy talents and can't wait for school to be out so you can devote even more time to this new art form! Of course, I think the excellent casting job you did contributed heavily to the final product and I hope to see many more summer sequels with the same star actess and her "professional" costar.
    Thanks for a great summer kick-off.
    BTW -- which one of you takes credit for the hinged-jaw gene that Gabby possesses?

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The popcicle should have been 'Big Orange'.

  3. You think Gabby would like to play with Lob?
