Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Drum roll, please.

Hi, folks! Gabster here. How do you like my Michael Jordan impersonation? I've even got on my sweatsuit so I could look more like him in the Hanes commercial. It's all part of my training as a young Tar Heel.

Anyway, we've got big news. It's so big that it has caused Mom to blog for the third time in a week. Yeah, I know. We have a new addition to the family! So here he is:

The problem is, we don't have a name for him. Here are some that have been offered:
  • Jake (Papa Don Wells)
  • Wishbone (Rachel Brown)
  • Max (Default dog name when Mom played Pet Shop growing up)
  • Spot (next door neighbor Ken)
  • Cedric or Tyrone (Dad)

It seems like there might be one more, but I can't remember right now. It's past my bedtime, so forgive me. If you have a better idea for a name, leave a comment on the blog. Here's some pertinent information: He's a Jack Russell mix, he's really hyper, he was a stray that we found at the church, and he's pretty well-behaved. He also likes to dig. He has already buried the rawhide bone Mom bought him, plus a few Milkbone snacks, too. We want an interesting name that really fits him, and we don't want to offend any of Mom's friends by giving the dog the same name as their sons. Also, it would be good if you could help us out, because I would like Mom to call the dog by name before I get old enough to name him myself. We brought him home from the church over two weeks ago, so time is running out before we are branded bad dog owners.


  1. Jason reminded me of one more name last night - "Booker T." I think he came up with that one, too.

    Even if you don't have a new name to offer, you can vote for the ones that have been posted. We didn't know what we were going to name Gabby until she was here, and we had 9 months! So thanks in advance for helping us poor, pitiful Lutzes out.

  2. Once again, my vote is for Cynthia, Jr. I think he could totally rock that name.

    We love your blog, and reading it makes us smile.

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Mr. Mestler, your a dead man.
    Signed, The Cynthia

  4. New offerings:
    "Snort" (Jennifer)
    "Rufus" (Papa Don)

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM


    I'm willing to let you use my son's name if you so choose. A Jack Russell named Jack is always fun. Jack is hyper as well, so the name may fit. Here's another option: Curtis Wilson. That's John's grandad's name cause I'm sure you're probably wondering. He always hated his name and said he wouldn't even name a dog Curtis Wilson. But you might. The choice is yours.

  6. My vote is for "Tyronica"

  7. i think you sould of named your dog spot
